73% of lawsuits targeted businesses under $25M in annual revenue

Under the ADA, businesses are subject to a fine of $75,000 for a single ADA violation.

The fine can increase to $150,000 for further violations and for large organizations can add up to $1M in total.

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What is ADA website compliancy?

It refers to ensuring that websites and digital content are accessible to individuals with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

This involves designing websites to accommodate various disabilities, providing keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, captioning for multimedia, accessible forms, responsive design, and conducting regular accessibility audits. Compliance ensures that digital content is inclusive and usable for all users, regardless of their abilities.

AI-powered widget? Think again

ADA “compliant” widgets inject a code to mask over accessibility barriers. They claim to be capable of making a website ADA-compliant overnight.

Despite their well-documented failures and false claims, companies continue to take the bait. According to UsableNet, 2023 saw a 60% increase in lawsuits against websites using widgets and that increase means that widgets contributed to 30% of all accessibility lawsuits.

Who needs to follow ADA requirements?

  • State and local government agencies
  • Private companies with 15 or more employees
  • Businesses that operate for the benefit of the public
  • Watch Out for Plaintiff Firms

    Private plaintiffs have been extremely active. In fact, 31 plaintiff firms file 50% of all ADA Website Accessibility Lawsuits.

  • 86 million Americans

    The World Health Organization reports that 26% of the U.S. population has a disability. That equates to 86 million people in the U.S. who are unable to access web content.

Book a Free Consultation Meeting

We will scan your website and present our finidings to you live on the call.